Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Mitt Romney's 'Palin Moment'

Mitt Romney’s selection of Paul Ryan as his vice presidential running mate has all the ingredients of being the pivot point in the 2012 campaign.
Romney is enjoying the initial thrust of energy from adding Ryan to the ticket. He is drawing the biggest and most enthusiastic crowds of his campaign so far. To cut it short, this is Romney's 'Palin Moment'.

Having chosen a candidate like Paul Ryan over safer and less exciting candidates, Romney has taken that chance. One which has the potential to either take his campaign to another orbit, or potentially sink it, deja vu John McCain 2008. In order to achieve the former, Romney needs to carve out an identity that takes the best of what Ryan offers, while insulating him from the most controversial elements of Ryan’s agenda.

In truth, on the big issues, Romney and Ryan are in agreement. They favor big tax cuts in which the wealthiest Americans would benefit. They back cuts in domestic discretionary spending. Both support changes that would convert Medicare into a premium support program for younger workers. Romney wants significant reforms in Social Security as well. Their priorities are the same.

Romney’s campaign has opportunities. Obama’s economic record remains a major problem and the biggest threat to his reelection. Obama is vulnerable as well to the criticism that he is not offering real leadership on entitlement reform.

And it remains to be seen whether Mitt Romney will have his 'Palin Moment' or not!

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