Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Juice!

The other states in action on Super Tuesday are Idaho, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, Oklahoma, North Dakota and Alaska.

Nearly 20 percent of the delegates to the
Republican convention will be chosen on Tuesday night.
And the outcome could from one in which
Mitt Romney seems to have the nomination all but wrapped up to a situation that casts his nomination in doubt.

But no matter what happens, Mr. Romney is likely to remain the favorite to win the nomination, just the way he is to finish with the largest number of delegates from the evening.

On the other hand, both Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich have a lot on the line as well, quite possibly their survival in the race too. Rick Santorum needs to win Ohio to keep his candidacy alive.

Santorum feels the most pressure in Ohio, where the former senator from Pennsylvania built a lead by highlighting his blue-collar roots but where Romney is now considered to have greater momentum.

And as Newt Gingrich claims that 'He'll carry Georgia decisively' , that would act as a perfect launchpad for his comeback. A week from Super Tuesday, Newt Gingrich might sweep the Alabama and Mississippi primaries. The problem for Gingrich is that even if he does sweep Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, the onus will be on him to prove that he is something more than just a regional candidate — given that his only victory in the race to date was in the Jan. 21 South Carolina primary.

Ron Paul is yet to win a state, but Super Tuesday most probably would change that, as the Texax Rep. should do well in low turnout caucuses in North Dakota, Alaska and Idaho.

From a delegate point of view, Romney is nowhere close to clinching the GOP nomination. What Romney needs is to be able to claim a sort of national victory, winning somewhere in every region of the country. And Tennessee is his best chance to do so.

Lets see what Super Tuesday has in store for us!

Bottomline - Win Ohio and Tennessee, and you have won the Night!

Mohit Dayal

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